What’s this about ?
Radiography is a medical imaging examination that uses X-rays. To visualize parts of the human body, a set of contrast and opacity is achieved. The image will be more or less blackened depending on the organ being x-rayed. Bones will appear white, soft tissues will be in different shades of gray and the air will be black.
How is the exam conducted ?
Before the examination, you will be asked to remove any clothing or accessories that may cause artifacts during the acquisition process.
During the examination, you will be between the x-ray tube and the plate containing the film. You will be instructed by the manipulators to take the best pictures.
You will then be asked to breathe in or out, or even apnea. Several pictures will be taken in different positions.
Pour un examen approfondie, il se peut que l’injection d’un produit de contraste est nécessaire. D’autres clichés seront prises après l’injection.
Quels sont nos recommandations ?
Aucune préparation particulière n’est nécessaire.
Si l’examen nécessite l’injection de produit de contraste, la piqûre équivaut à une prise de sang.
- Etude du squelette, des articulations, des poumons, de l’abdomen et des seins
- Recherche de fractures et de malformations osseuses, d’arthrose
- Recherche de lésions infectieuses (tuberculose, virale, bactérienne, …) ou tumorales
- Recherche de calculs vésicaux ou rénaux
- Recherche de signes d’occlusion ou de perforation digestive
10 to 15 Minutes