


What’s this about ?
CT scanning, also called computed tomography, consists of measuring the absorption of X-rays by tissues and then, by computer processing, digitizing and finally reconstructing 2D or 3D images of anatomical structures.

This medical imaging technique allows the study of the brain, the thoracic cage, the abdomen, or the bones. It can visualize anomalies not detected by standard radiography or ultrasound.

How is the exam conducted ?
You will be installed in a lying position on a bed in an open arch. An x-ray tube will rotate around you and thanks to a powerful computer system, images are obtained.

A team will be with you, behind glass, during the entire examination. If necessary, they can be called in and intervene at any time. The examination takes place in a few minutes and requires a few seconds of immobility.

Depending on the areas examined, the radiologist may have to inject iodinated contrast material, opaque to X-rays, in order to identify the vessels and the absorption of the material by the tissues examined.

Quelles sont les préparations à faire avant l'examen ?

Laissez dans un bac tous les objets métalliques : montre, clé, soutien-gorge avec armature, bijoux,…

En cas d’allergie au produit de contraste iodé, des comprimés devront être prise la veille et le jour de l’examen.

Il est préconisé d’être à jeun lors d’un scanner abdominal ou de l’utilisation de produit de contraste.

La vessie doit être pleine en cas de réalisation d’un scanner du petit bassin. Il faut alors boire beaucoup d’eau.


  • The same as X-ray, but when it is necessary to have a more detailed image (the definition of the image is better because of the computer reconstruction) or in 3D. In particular, it is useful to look for small anomalies, for example small tumors or small hemorrhages.
  • Bilan préopératoire
  • Bilan lésionnel d’un traumatisme crânien



Pay Attention

  • Si vous êtes enceinte ou susceptible de l’être, prévenez votre médecin traitant ou l’examinateur

Please bring with you

  • Your prescription
  • Your health insurance certificate
  • Vos anciens examens ( un récent résultat de créatininémie de moins d’un mois )


  • 15 Minutes
  • If with contrast medium: 45 Minutes